[Gluten Free] Honey + Rose Cookies

These gluten free, refined sugar free, light, almost lemonade-ish cookies are the perfect late summer treat. Have them with tea, a cup of coffee, or by themselves. Jump to the recipe or read the backstory. Poocherino had his first contemporary mass with his friend on Saturday evening. It’s been a number of years since they…

Za’atar Rainbow Trout

Yeah buddy, have I got a treat for you! if you’re a fish fan, a flavor fan, and a super simple recipe fan, this one is right up your alley. Jump to the recipe or read on for the story! Spent last weekend up north cat sitting for my mom. Couldn’t have asked for a…

African Inspired Beef Kebab

Being a foodie is a fantastic adventure. I mean, we all have to eat. We do not, however, have to eat boring. With the resources available in your local library, not to mention online, you can travel to any number of countries without leaving your kitchen. Experiment with different flavors, textures, and ingredients. Amiright? Make…

Gluten + Refined Sugar Free Mango Cake

My little granbaby just turned two years old! And she is the SWEETEST THING EVER, and my buddy ♥️ What is a Mimi to do except for make Mimi chicken, and cake? Not just any cake, oh no. Mango cake. With strawberry jam. Make the cake or keep on reading! Being me, I hemmed and…

Gluten-free Beet & ‘Shroom Stuffed Chickpea Pancakes

I love meatless Monday. And this is one of those fun, easy, flavorful recipes that took all the boxes. Whether you are vegetarian, carnivore, or vegan ( I’m sure there is a multi substance you can use to stick it together) this will put you in a happy place. The earthiness of the beets and…

Chicken Bacon Fajitas

Because bacon?! Took myself to dinner a couple weeks back and had this amazing chicken bacon fajita salad at the bar. Made me feel a little bit crappy, but the flavors…ohmygoodness. I knew this was going to have to be something I made clean, and shared with my dear readers (that’s yous guys!). So here…

Spicy Sheet Pan Tofu. For One

I like meatless Monday’s. It used to be a huge part of my cutting routine (muscles not knives). I’d just have a few veggies, maybe some smoked salmon, pat myself on the back for eating lighter and start my fast. It was super easy, back in the other world. I’d just pack up some cuces…

Chile Crisp

Id like to take a minute and talk about condiments…or you can just make this! What is your stance on condiments? I ask because I have a kid that hates them. Olive oil is the only thing he eats. And sparingly. Sauces “have a weird texture” and “dips are gross”. No BBQ, ketchup, jelly, or…

Stewed Brown Chicken

Rumor has it this is more Jamaican than jerk. And I could see why… Savory, silky smooth, full of flavor. Being based off a Caribbean recipe, one wouldn’t think “winter food!”. Still, this chicken ticks all the boxes of an amazing cold weather dinner. I mean, we’re talking about a chicken thigh tomato-based braise here….